Dog Has Diarrhea

Diarrhea and stomach upset are common problems for canines. If you have a pet dog, you know that they often eat things they shouldn’t. It is normal for their digestive system to respond by becoming sensitive and purging through vomiting or diarrhea.

What is the best home remedy for diarrhea in dogs?

Besides rice, other simple foods that can help relieve your dog’s diarrhea include pumpkin, cottage cheese, peeled boiled potatoes, and plain chicken breast. Remember, this soft diet is not balanced, so don’t feed it to your dog for more than a few days.

What causes diarrhea in dogs?

Diarrhea is defined by veterinarian Dr. Krista Williams as “spontaneous or loose stools, usually in large quantities and/or more frequently”. The main reasons for this are as follows:

  • Parasites, including tapeworms, hookworms and coccidia.
  • Viruses, such as parvovirus (also called simply parvo).
  • For example bacterial infections, salmonella.
  • A non-transitional change in your dog’s diet, as his digestion is not given a chance to adjust to the new food.
  • Stress or anxiety.
  • Feeding your dog highly processed, unhealthy foods.

What to do if your dog has diarrhea?

Replenish fluids

If your dog has diarrhea, this is not an immediate reason to stress unnecessarily. If these fights continue, however, then it is important to consult a veterinarian immediately, as it could be something more serious. After your dog has diarrhea, one of the most important things to do is to replenish his fluids; Diarrhea causes a lot of water to be lost from a dog’s system, so it needs to be replaced.

Food – Should you feed a dog with diarrhea?

In addition to replenishing fluids, you’ll want to stop your dog from eating for 12 to 24 hours to give his digestive system a chance to heal and speed up the overall recovery process.

There is a chance that feeding your dog within this time frame will only bring the food right back up.

What can I give my dog for diarrhea? (foods)

So, what foods are best for your dog when you re-introduce them to solids after rehydration and fasting? Several foods are better than others, and which are less likely to cause your dog to have an upset stomach again. In general, the blender the better. Below, we’ve listed 7 of the best foods to eat when your dog has recently experienced diarrhea:

Plain rice

Plain rice is one of the best foods you can feed a dog with diarrhea. Why? Mainly, because dogs are so easy to digest. Containing a high amount of fiber that absorbs water, rice can help stabilize your dog’s stool, making it a great choice for feeding after diarrhea. Use white rice wherever possible, and most importantly, make sure it’s plain.

Packet/instant rice contains many other flavors, additives and seasonings that can again upset your dog’s GI (stomach), so freshly prepared, plain white rice is what you should look for. Once cooked, allow the rice to cool to room temperature. If the rice is too hot, it can irritate your dog’s GI tract again.

Simple, lean protein (e.g. plain chicken)

Low-fat protein sources are another good thing to eat when your dog’s stomach is feeling weak. Like plain rice, meats like turkey and chicken breast (with the skin removed) are relatively easy for your dog to digest, and in this case, mixing is a good thing.

Boil your chicken, for example, and cut it into small, bite-sized pieces. Again, let it cool to room temperature before serving it to your dog to avoid irritation. It can be served either by itself or with the plain rice you have prepared earlier.

Potatoes (either plain/white or sweet)

Potatoes—in whatever form they come in—contain easily digestible starches that make them a good food choice for dogs with diarrhea, as well as good levels of dietary fiber, which your dog needs. May help improve stool firmness. Never feed raw potatoes to your dog, whether they have an upset stomach or not, because they contain a chemical called solanine, which is toxic to dogs.

To prepare your potatoes, clean, peel and boil them, then finally mash them to a smooth consistency. Allow to cool to room temperature, and then feed your dog. If your dog has diabetes, you should not feed them potatoes due to their relatively high sugar content.


A naturally fiber-rich food, pumpkin can help better regulate your dog’s digestion and help with any diarrhea it may have recently experienced. The fiber within the pumpkin adds ‘ruffage’ (no pun intended) that firms up a dog’s stool.

Pumpkin also contains what are known as prebiotics. These are special plant fibers that promote the growth of beneficial, healthy bacteria that aid gut health, overall. This will therefore help stave off any diarrhea for your dog in the future. The best way to prepare pumpkin for your dog with diarrhea is to use plain, canned pumpkin. This is preferable to fresh pumpkin as it has a lower water content; the water in fresh pumpkin can, again, contribute to loose stools.

  • It’s important, however, that the canned pumpkin you buy is as plain as possible, and hasn’t had any additives or flavorings added; otherwise, the benefits you’re getting from the canned variety are effectively wiped out.

Porridge Oats

Porridge oats, when prepared correctly, can be a good way to firm up your dog’s bowel movements, acting as a sort of binding agent (similar in many ways to the way rice acts). High in dietary fiber, fully cooked porridge oats (note: the oats must be fully cooked, as raw oats can be upsetting to your dog’s stomach) will help regulate your dog’s stomach when given in moderate quantities.

  • The fiber works by absorbing fluids and delaying the gastric emptying process, enabling more solid stools to firm, rather than watery diarrhea, whilst the oats can also help better regulate your dog’s blood sugar levels. Cook using water, and don’t add any sugar or other flavorings.


When boiled and mashed, carrots serve as a great foodstuff to be used when re-introducing your dog to food after a bout of diarrhea. Carrots are high in dietary fiber, which like many of the other foods listed here, helps bulk out your dog’s faecal matter, as well as absorbing excess water.

  • Alongside their benefits in aiding diarrhea recovery, carrots are also a good source of vitamin A, encourage better canine dental health, and are rich in beta-carotene which helps improve your dog’s eyesight – the old adage about carrots helping you see better in the dark is true, except it’s not just better in the dark, it’s better overall.

Specially-Formulated Dog Foods

Some dog foods (like ours) are designed specifically with a dog’s gastrointestinal system in mind; These foods, usually marketed as being for sensitive stomachs will typically feature high levels of prebiotics (see earlier in the article) as well as other ingredients that encourage a more stable gut biome environment.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How Much Chicken & Rice Should I Feed My Dog With Diarrhoea?

It depends on the size and breed of your dog; as a general rule, start with a smaller amount than you’d typically feed your dog at a mealtime, as this gives your dog’s stomach a better chance of readjusting to feeding, and not bringing the food back up. In terms of ratio, opt for a half-and-half split between the carbohydrate and the protein.

Is Scrambled Egg Good For Dogs With Diarrhea?

Generally speaking, you should be OK to feed your dog with diarrhea plain-cooked pasta such as macaroni; That’s because pasta is made from simple, plain ingredients that are unlikely to irritate a dog’s GI tract. As with all of these foods, make sure to let the cooked pasta cool before serving it to your dog.

Is Pasta Good For Dogs With Diarrhea?

Yes! Scrambled eggs can definitely be good for dogs with diarrhea when cooked plain. Packed with protein and easy to digest, this simple foodstuff is unlikely to worsen any bouts of diarrhea that your dog may have experienced.

Is Rice or Oatmeal Better for Dogs With Diarrhea?

In truth, they’re much of a multitude when it comes to their benefits, regarding recovery from diarrhea. Both contain good levels of fiber and both are easy to digest, so it probably comes down to which your dog naturally prefers. If you know they enjoy white rice, for instance, then there’s no point trying to convince them to have a small bowl of plain-cooked porridge oats.

When Should I Be Concerned About My Dog’s Diarrhoea?

A one-off episode of diarrhea isn’t something to cause undue levels of concern, but if these bouts continue – if it persists for more than a day, for instance – or the diarrhea is being experienced in conjunction with other worrying symptoms such as vomiting, for example, then that’s when you should get a veterinarian involved.

What Soothes a Dog’s Stomach and Helps With Diarrhoea?

Aside from the foods we’ve mentioned, the main thing you want to do is keep your dog’s fluid levels up. Apart from this, what’s going to best soothe your dog’s stomach is giving it time to adequately recover.

Can Chicken Give Dogs Diarrhea?

The only reason that chicken will typically give your dog diarrhea is if you’ve not prepared it properly; That’s to say, if it’s undercooked, if you’ve not removed the skin (as this contains fats that can cause nausea) or if it’s been seasoned, flavored or had other preservatives added to it. The chicken itself – at least, the lean protein part – shouldn’t cause diarrhea.

Final Thoughts

Diarrhea is far from pleasant, but we guarantee it’s even less pleasant for your dog experiencing it; Following the above steps – hydrating, fasting and then the gentle re-introduction of food (from one of those foods listed above) – is the best course of action to help soothe your dog’s upset stomach or diarrhea. As always, however, if you have any concerns, then the best thing to do is consult your local veterinarian for advice.

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